The 25 Most Popular Passwords of 2013

A list of the most popular passwords of 2013 has been compiled by SplashData and shows us how silly and uncreative our passwords can be.


Here is the full list:

1. 123456 (Up 1)
2. password (Down 1)
3. 12345678 (Unchanged)
4. qwerty (Up 1)
5. abc123 (Down 1)
6. 123456789 (New)
7. 111111 (Up 2)
8. 1234567 (Up 5)
9. iloveyou (Up 2)
10. adobe123 (New)
11. 123123 (Up 5)
12. Admin (New)
13. 1234567890 (New)
14. letmein (Down 7)
15. photoshop (New)
16. 1234 (New)
17. monkey (Down 11)
18. shadow (Unchanged)
19. sunshine (Down 5)
20. 12345 (New)
21. password1 (Up 4)
22. princess (New)
23. azerty (New)
24. trustno1 (Down 12)
25. 000000 (New)

Now a days, websites will require certain elements in a password, like an uppercase letter, number, and/or symbol. It is never a good idea to make your password "123456." Users have to remember that to create a strong password you need to sacrifice convenience.

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